Here are some notes and photos from
previous pet buyers we'd like to share
Things are going well with Lilly, Joe bought her a scratching
post which she loves,  She plays with her toy and throws it
around.    She is a talker and she is so beautiful, all she does
is purr when we have her out.
Dear Linda,   
Oswald wanted to take this opportunity to wish all his litter
mates a happy birthday.  Please relay his best wishes to
This is my fourth Siamese and he definitely is one for the
books.  He has grown to be an extremely gentle,
personable, and playful cat.  The interaction between
Oswald and the dog has to be seen to be believed.  They
sneak up on each other and grab hold and wrestle each
other to the ground.  The have become quite the duo.
Attached is a current photo of Ozzie sleeping in his shoe
box.  We couldn't be happier with the kitten.  He has
livened up our household and lives to an amazing degree.  
Thanks for bringing him in to our lives.
Anyway, our little girl is a complete joy to my husband and
me.   Let me tell you a little about Bitsy B.  She is so
beautiful and loving.  She has the best disposition of any
cat I have ever had, and I've had several.  Her eating habits
are perfect.  Now she does enjoy and beg for treats all thru
the day, but I'm trying to train myself not to give in too
much!  She is friendly to all out friends, almost to the point
I could become jealous, haha.  She is forever the greeter
when the doorbell rings.  She loves to play with her toys
even if we are busy.  She can entertain herself with the
least bit of attention.  Linda, if this wonderful little creature
could be clone it would be a miracle!  We honestly believe
she can understand what we say.  She reacts so
completely to us.  She has a window seat overlooking our
back yard and a flat bird feeder close to the window.  She
can spend hours watching her birds and, unlike any other
cats I have had, never chatters at them.  She just silently
watches them.

You know we've always had a boat and she knows when
we're getting ready to go to the boat.  One thing she
doesn't like is first getting into the car.  Once she's in she is
ok.  She loves it once we're on the boat.  In fact, I believe
she likes the boat better than the house.  We generally go
to the lake on Friday and come home Monday or Tuesday.  
We wouldn't think of leaving her home. We bought a pet
stroller for her to ride up and down the dock to and from
the boat.  She sits in it so majestically.  You would be so
proud of her.  Everyone at the marina knows Bitsy B.  Lots
of folks call her a spoiled cat, but we know better.  She is a
loved little fur baby.

I just wanted to let you know about her and how much joy
she has brought to our household.  She will always have
everything she wants and needs.
Just wanted to let you know how much we love the girls.
I am so glad we have them both, could not imagine one
without the
other. We have nick named them the ladies . They love
going in the car and even
take them in petsmart in there carrier. You obviously raise
pets. Glad we found them.
After a week in his new home Romulus has adapted very
well. He has a voracious appetite and has had a ball
exploring his new surroundings. With 2 floors and
multiple staircases, in typical feline fashion, he can often
be seen perched on the highest step and peering down
over "his domain". He is very active, loves interaction with
me, and spends long periods rolling around in my lap
and climbing up and down his cat tree. During his long
sleep periods, I have yet to discover where he hides. He
has truly been a welcome addition to my home. Thank
you for providing me with such a wonderful pet.
Here are some pictures of Blu.  He is absolutely amazing.  I
do enjoy him so much.  pictures of my bud bud (his other
nickname).  He was neutered in January and last weight was
in February of 6 pounds.  He is 7 months now and a true
lovebug.  He even does somersaults for me when he is
loving me up.  He is great and I wish I could have more.  

Hi Linda

Baby Koda is doing very well.  He is an absolute joy to our
family.  He is now rubbing up against us and purring like
crazy.  He also will roll over and let us rub his little belly.  
Last night was the first time I saw him playing with some toys
I put out, jumping all around.(he is jumping on and off of my
daughters bed already like a big shot.)   This morning for the
first time he accidentally meet went very well, just
a lot of sniffing and staring at each other.  Koda ran right up
to him as if he knew him and Kenga just smelt him and was really cute, and now they dont want to leave
each other alone and when I seperate them they both cry
like crazy.   He's a wild little guy, But absolutely adorable
and full of life.  He definately keeps me on my toes:)
Pae is settling in beautifully, she has moved from the
bathroom into my bedroom and is continuing to eat and drink
well  There were no problems moving her from the litter you
use to the crystals and she is so fun, sweet, social and
incredibly intelligent. She loves all of her toys and plays
constantly. We built a cat tree/condo and right now she is in
one of the compartments sound asleep, wiped out from
playing all day.
Things are going well with Lilly, Joe bought her a scratching
post which she loves,  She plays with her toy and throws it
around.    She is a talker and she is so beautiful, all she
does is purr when we have her out.
Hi Linda,
Elsa is doing very well
and if she gets out of the
room takes on the rest of
apt by storm.  She purrs
a lot
and talks as she is
eating.  Loves to have her
tummy rubbed and never
stops moving.  
Hi Linda,
I just wanted to send you an e-mail and tell you how well the
kitten is doing.  He is just precious and I love him!  He is the
MOST affectionate boy, always talking to us and wanting to sit
on our laps.  If we don't go and sit down when he "yells" at
us, he will jump up on us as we are standing there!  He loves
to play with these little balls we got, he actually plays fetch, it
is so cute.
We visited the vet and he got his last shot.  They loved him
         Thank you again for our beautiful boy.
                                                       Beth & Perry
Hi Linda,
The kittens have settled in wonderfully! They have the run of
the house, they especially love running full speed up the back
stairway, down the long hall and down the front staircase. The
blue is named Fagan, the seal is named Finn, and they come
when I call their names. They are very smart. They have very
healthy appetites and get bigger every day. They do everything
together, whether it,s going to the litterbox, playing, sunning
themselves in the sunroom that's full of plants and a very cozy
loveseat, or curling up together on my lap! I've gotten very
good at rubbing two little tummies at the same time! I love
them so very much, they're wonderful company, but at the
same time I think they love me too because they cry when I
leave the room and they can't see me!